of dark fiction

2024 news

My publisher, Brigids Gate Press LLC, are releasing two new titles by me this year. In May (21st), my dystopian/cyberpunk novella SIN:THETICA is set to hit the market, followed by another novella written in collaboration with fellow Brit author Beverley Lee, which is called A Light of Little Radiance and is a gothic vampire saga set for release in November.

The preorder link for SIN:THETICA is as follows: and an ARC is available on NetGalley & BookSirens for reviewers wishing to get early access on that.

More news on 'Radiance' will emerge when the publishing process is further down the line, but for now here's the early stage art for the cyberpunk title which is currently in development with illustrator Alexander Way-B. 

2022/2023 news

As of September this year, my publicists are: Mickey Mikkelson of Creative Edge Publicity - and Aimee Ravichandran of Abundantly Social -

Please direct any media opportunities via both. Thank you.


My novella In the Grimdark Strands of the Spinneret: A Fairy Tale for Elders is to be published by Brigid's Gate Press in November this year. A Kindle version can now be pre-ordered, with the paperback available on the 22nd. Pre-order link: 

I'm currently shopping around a cyberpunk/dystopian novella called SIN:THETICA and I'm working on a collaboration with fellow Brit author Beverley Lee titled A Light of Little Radiance.

My short story And the Godless Shall Come to Dust will appear in Timber Ghost Press' anthology Along Harrowed Trails (art below).


About image
Keith Anthony Baird is the author of The Jesus Man: A Post-Apocalyptic Tale of Horror (Novel), Nexilexicon (Novel), And a Dark Horse Dreamt of Nightmares (Book of Shorts), This Will Break Every Bone In Your Heart (Novelette) and Snake Charmer Blues (Short). His works can be found on Amazon and Audible. He is currently working on a dystopian novel titled SIN:THETICA, a post-apocalyptic novel titled Wind Rust, and a psychological/horror short titled A Seed in a Soil of Sorrow.

The Diabolica Britannica horror anthology was his brainchild, in which you'll find his own contribution Walked a Pale Horse on Celtic Frost.

When not at his desk writing, you might find him up a mountain, snorkelling, or simply having adventures. Failing that, it's a good bet he'll be on Twitter.

He lives in England's beautiful Lake District.

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  • Cumbria, England, United Kingdom

Publicist: Mickey Mikkelson Phone: 403.464.6925 email: website: